Women of color have often been neglected when discussing the gender wage gap as they are paid even less than white women. The Equal Pay Day calls attention to the severe gender pay gap and symbolizes the day women start to earn, whereas men already earn their wages since. The 1964 Civil Rights Act improved on this legislation as Title VII of this act prohibited the discrimination of people based on race, religion, color, or sex. In 1983, legislation called the Equal Pay Act stated that employees of all sexes should be paid the same for jobs with similar working conditions and requiring the same amount of skill, effort, and responsibility. If the pay gap is contingent on the sex of the employees, the employer must raise a woman’s pay instead of reducing a man’s pay. The day also represents how far into the year a woman works to earn as much as a man doing the same job. The day brings awareness to pay discrepancies between women and men for the same work. This means that differences in pay can be acceptable when factoring in seniority and job description. This year, National Equal Pay Day is on March 14. When determining wages, employers have to ensure that affirmative defenses apply. Female surgeons are annually paid $19 billion less than their male counterparts. This pay gap is prominent in nearly all occupations and industries, but especially in male-dominated ones. The problem with the wage gap is that it affects many families throughout generations, where women of color accumulate less wealth on average. 16 September, 2022On International Equal Pay Day, 18 September, IndustriALL calls for Pay Equity Now Equal pay for jobs of equal value is a recognized. are Hispanic women who are currently paid 57% of what a white man makes. The first-ever (IEPD) was celebrated by United Nations in 2020.

In the United States, this date symbolizes how far into the year the. The pay gap for women also varies by race, ethnicity, and disability. We should all hope that further progress towards equality will have been made by the next International Equal Pay Day in 2021. New Delhi: The International Equal Pay Day (IEPD) is observed annually on September 18 with an objective to raise awareness to promote action towards achieving equal pay for work of equal value. Equal Pay Day is the symbolic day dedicated to raising awareness of the gender pay gap. In the U.S., women earned about $0.82 for every dollar a man made in 2019. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about unequal pay to women and pushing to close the gender pay gap. International Equal Pay Day falls on September 18 of every year. It is estimated that the widespread effects of COVID-19 could push 96 million people into extreme poverty by 2021, bringing the total number of women and girls living on USD 1.90 per day to 435 million On the first International Equal Pay Day, 18 September, take a closer look at the gender pay gap and what can be done to close it.